PoliticsForeign Policy


Clinton's Plan For Russia Would Likely Be The Opposite Of Trump's

Hillary Clinton would likely have a frosty relationship with Russia if she were elected president.

Lots has been made about Donald Trump's relationship with Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin, during election season. 

"I've never met Putin. I don't know who Putin is. He said one nice thing about me," Trump said at a campaign rally in 2016.

Back in 2013, Trump said of Putin, "I do have a relationship with him."

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Many of the United States' NATO allies are concerned Trump would refuse to honor the pact and let Russia exert a strong influence over the region.

But we haven't heard much about what Hillary Clinton would do about Russia if she were elected commander in chief. It looks like her approach would be the complete opposite of Trump's.

While the GOP nominee has been showering Putin with praise, Clinton has indicated she would probably just ignore him.

In her book "Hard Choices," Clinton recalled advising as secretary of state that President Obama should just blow him off. She wrote, "Don't appear too eager to work together. Don't flatter Putin with high-level attention. Decline his invitation for a presidential summit."

During Clinton's time as secretary of state, the Obama administration famously tried to reset its relationship with Russia, but that didn't last long.

Clinton criticized the Kremlin for supporting Bashar al-Assad in Syria and allegedly rigging elections to keep Putin in power.

And now that intelligence experts have confirmed Russia was behind hacks into the Democratic National Committee, that's certainly not going to help mend any fences between Putin and Clinton.

Putin denied any involvement in hacked or leaked information related to the presidential election, but foreign policy experts say he still harbors a grudge against Clinton from her time as the United States' top diplomat.

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So it's safe to expect Russia and the U.S. would have a frosty relationship during a Clinton administration, and she definitely wouldn't be a Putin puppet.

"Well that's because he'd rather have a puppet as president —" Clinton started to say during the third presidential debate. 

"No puppet, no puppet. You're the puppet," Trump interjected.