PoliticsForeign Policy


White House Now Says Trump Supports Both House GOP Immigration Bills

In an interview with "Fox and Friends" Friday morning, President Trump appeared to say he wouldn't support the GOP compromise immigration bill.

The White House says President Donald Trump supports both House GOP immigration bills, despite what he said on TV Friday morning.

The House is set to vote next week on two immigration bills to address the fate of so-called Dreamers — immigrants who were brought to the U.S. by their parents illegally when they were children. One bill is a conservative measure. The other is a compromise Republicans negotiated within their own party. 

The compromise bill seemed to meet a number of the president's demands.

As Newsy previously reported, the bill would create a path to citizenship for Dreamers. It would also set aside $25 billion for a southern border wall and other security measures.

But during an interview with "Fox and Friends," Trump said he "wouldn't sign the more moderate one."

A statement from the White House later clarified Trump was saying he opposed the discharge petition in the House. That was an effort by Democrats and some Republicans to force a House vote on immigration. With the two bills currently on the calendar, that effort became moot.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.