PoliticsPolitical Scandals


Campaign Legal Center alleges Santos misrepresented campaign funds

Nonpartisan watchdog group Campaign Legal Center is accusing Rep. George Santos of using campaign funds for personal expenses, among other things.
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A government watchdog group is urging the Federal Election Commission to investigate Rep. George Santos for campaign finance violations.

The newly elected U.S. representative from New York has already admitted he lied about where he went to school, working on Wall Street and even being Jewish.

Now the nonpartisan watchdog group Campaign Legal Center is accusing Santos of hiding the true source of his campaign funds, misrepresenting campaign spending and using campaign funds for personal expenses.

New York Rep.-Elect Santos Admits To Lying About Career, College

New York Rep.-Elect Santos Admits To Lying About Career, College

Santos admitted to lying about his college education, as well as his career. Explaining his fabrications, Santos says, "We do stupid things in life."


New York's Nassau County District Attorney's Office is also investigating Santos for his false statements during his campaign to determine whether a crime was committed.

Former U.S. Rep. Steve Israel wrote an article in The Atlantic about how New York's 3rd District elected Santos, even though there were some red flags — and it wasn't just one group that ignored them.