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FBI Releases The Warrant That Rekindled Clinton's Email Troubles

The FBI warrant on Hillary Clinton just before the election was granted without hard proof classified information was present.

The FBI warrant tied to Hillary Clinton's private email server, filed days before the presidential election, has been released. And the lawyer who asked for the disclosure says he's "appalled."

Los Angeles lawyer Randy Schoenberg requested the documents under the Freedom of Information Act. 

The warrant was issued on Oct. 30. Two days earlier, FBI Director James Comey's letter to Congress claimed an unrelated investigation had turned up new evidence into Clinton's email case. 

SEE MORE: FBI Backs CIA Assessment Of Russia's Election Meddling

The FBI was investigating former congressman Anthony Weiner for being involved in another sexting scandal — this time, with an underage girl. The FBI seized his laptop, which he shared with his now-estranged wife, Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide.

In a Facebook post, Schoenberg said, "I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause, nothing that would make anyone suspect that there was anything on the laptop … ."

The warrant implies the FBI had no proof there was classified information on the laptop. It says the fact that emails between Abedin and Clinton often did contain classified information was probable cause for a search.

Comey confirmed this two days before the election with a second letter to Congress, saying the evidence hadn't changed anything related to the Clinton case. 

Analysts say the last-minute uncertainty over the Clinton investigation is one of the factors that could have cost Clinton the election.