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Federal Judge Won't Stop Trump's Voter Fraud Commission

The judge said the commission wasn't a federal agency and, therefore, wasn't held to the same privacy standards.

A federal judge won't stop President Donald Trump's commission on election integrity from requesting data from each state.

Specifically, the judge blocked a legal challenge from the Electronic Privacy Information Center, a nonprofit watchdog group.

The group said the commission's request for voter information didn't include a privacy impact assessment, something federal agencies are required by law to disclose.

But the judge ruled the commission isn't a federal agency. The commission recently changed how it would receive the data, switching from a website run by the Pentagon to one run by the White House. 

That move was key in establishing the commission as a presidential advisory board, according to the judge's decision

The same judge, U.S. District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, blocked a request to make the commission's first meeting public.

At least one lawsuit against the commission is still in the courts. The NAACP argues the president's commission was created in order to discriminate against minorities.

That lawsuit is still pending in New York's federal court.