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Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee Launches 2020 Presidential Bid

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee announced Friday that he's running for president in 2020.

Washington state Gov. Jay Inslee announced Friday that he's throwing his hat into the ring for the 2020 presidential race. 

In a new campaign video, the Democrat said he'd make combating climate change a national priority. 

It's a topic he's championed during his two terms as governor, enacting a Clean Energy Fund and passing green transportation infrastructure investment legislation. 

Inslee's joining an already-crowded diverse pool of candidates looking to secure the Democratic presidential nomination, including Sens. Cory BookerElizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders

Inslee's campaign headquarters will be located in Seattle, which is so far the only 2020 bid based out of the West Coast. 

An adviser told CNN that Inslee will kick off the presidential run announcement with trips to Iowa and Nevada in the coming days. 

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN