

Jury Selection In Bill Cosby's Sexual Assault Trial Won't Be Easy

Finding jurors who can impartially weigh the comedian's high-profile case could be difficult.

Jury selection for Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial is set to begin Monday. 

But finding jurors who can impartially weigh the comedian's high-profile case won't be an easy task.

The judge and attorneys from both sides will agree on 12 jurors and six alternates from people living in Pittsburgh. That's about 300 miles away from where the trial will actually take place, just north of Philadelphia.

Cosby's defense team argued the extensive media coverage of the allegations has painted their client in an unfairly negative light. They lobbied to find jurors from a different part of Pennsylvania. 

But there's still no guarantee the jury pool will be able to look past Cosby's fame and the notoriety of his case.

Cosby has pleaded not guilty to felony aggravated indecent assault. The charge stems from an alleged encounter with accuser Andrea Constand.

Cosby's trial is scheduled to begin June 5 and is expected to last about two weeks. If he is convicted, he faces up to 10 years in jail and a $25,000 fine.