

GOP Senator Says They Have The Votes To Pass Tax Overhaul Bill

Sen. John Cornyn said Friday morning the Senate has enough votes to pass the bill.

The Senate GOP tax overhaul bill ran into another roadblock late Thursday. But by Friday morning, Sen. John Cornyn said they have the votes to pass the bill.

Senate Republican leaders originally hoped to pass the bill Thursday night. But progress on the legislation hit a wall after several senators said they were worried it would drive up the national debt.

Sens. Bob Corker, Jeff Flake and Ron Johnson initially withheld their votes Thursday and threatened to abandon the bill if their concerns weren't addressed. Sen. Susan Collins has also signaled disapproval with parts of the legislation.

It wasn't immediately clear what changes were agreed to Friday morning to get enough senators on board. Republicans need at least 50 "yes" votes to pass the bill, presuming Vice President Mike Pence casts the tiebreaker.