

House Committee Pressures White House To Cooperate With Investigation

The chairman of the House Oversight Committee said the White House is stalling its investigation into the administration's security clearance process.

The head of the House Oversight Committee is trying to pressure the Trump administration into cooperating with its security clearance investigation. 

The committee opened its investigation in January. But Chairman Elijah Cummings sent a letter to the White House Friday saying the administration has "stalled, equivocated, and failed to produce a single document or witness."

In the letter, Cummings also mentioned a recent New York Times report. It said President Trump ordered then-Chief of Staff John Kelly to give Jared Kushner top-secret security clearance, despite concerns from intelligence officials. Cummings said if the report is true, it raises "grave questions" about the security clearance approval process.

He didn't threaten to issue subpoenas if the White House continues to stall their investigation, but he asked officials to start turning over documents and scheduling witness interviews immediately.