

Sen. Chuck Schumer Will Be The Next Senate Minority Leader

Schumer pledged to bring the Democratic Party together.

U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer will be the next minority leader in the Senate.

The New York senator is replacing Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada, who is retiring at the end of his term in January.

SEE MORE: Harry Reid Joins List Of Politicians Commenting On Trump's Election

Sen. Schumer pledged to work for both blue-collar Americans and the "diverse Obama coalition" and to bring the Democratic Party together.

"We're ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Republicans, working with soon-to-be President Trump on issues where we agree. We will go toe-to-toe against the president-elect whenever our values or the progress we've made is under assault," Sen. Schumer said during a press conference.

Schumer also announced an expansion of the Senate Democratic leadership team, adding Sen. Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Sen. Bernie Sanders from Vermont.

Schumer has been in the U.S. Senate since 1999.