

Democrats Focus On Jobs And The Economy With 'A Better Deal'

House and Senate Democrats unveiled their economic agenda in a district they hope to turn blue.

Congressional Democrats unveiled their new economic agenda called "A Better Deal" on Monday. And they seem to be taking a page from candidate Donald Trump. 

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Monday: "Too many families in America feel like the rules of the economy are rigged against them. They feel like they're getting a raw deal. ... We are here today to tell the people of Berryville and the working people of America: Someone has your back."

"The corrupt special interests have stolen your jobs and shipped your wealth to other countries. They've betrayed the working class of this country. Tomorrow, the American working class will strike back," then-candidate Trump said on the eve of Election Day 2016. 

"A Better Deal" has three goals: to increase wages and create new jobs, to lower the cost of living and to give working Americans "the tools to succeed in the 21st Century."

"We will restore opportunity by helping 10 million Americans get good-paying full-time jobs. We will do that in part by doubling our investment in workforce training and in apprenticeships," Rep. Cheri Bustos explained.

Schumer said this new agenda was prompted, in part, by Democratic losses in 2014 and 2016, which led to some self-reflection by the party.

Schumer said, "The No. 1 thing we did wrong is not present a strong, bold economic agenda to working Americans so that their hope for the future might return again."

If "A Better Deal" sounds familiar, it may be because House Republicans launched their agenda for the future called "A Better Way" last year.

"This is not simply aimed at 2018. This is what we feel America needs," Schumer said. 

But they did unveil the plan in a northern Virginia congressional district currently represented by a Republican. Democrats hope to turn it blue in 2018.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Democrats now plan to take their vision on the road.

"This is not just about telling them what we're advocating for, it's about listening to their concerns in how we shape this and refine it as we go forward," Pelosi said.