

Trump Proposed A US-Russia Cyber Unit; Top Republicans Ridiculed It

President Donald Trump appeared to walk back an idea for a joint cybersecurity unit he discussed with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

President Donald Trump said Sunday morning he and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed creating an "impenetrable Cyber Security unit."

By Sunday evening, Trump seemed to water down that possibility — after pointed GOP criticism.

Sen. Lindsey Graham said, "It's not the dumbest idea I've ever heard, but it's pretty close."

Sen. John McCain told CBS, "I'm sure Vladimir Putin could be of enormous assistance in that effort since he's doing the hacking."

And Sen. Marco Rubio likened it to working with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on a chemical weapons unit.

Trump later tweeted just because he discussed a cybersecurity unit with Putin doesn't mean it can happen. He said, "It can't."