PoliticsForeign Policy


Deputy National Security Adviser Plans To Leave White House

Deputy national security adviser Dina Powell played a big role in helping the Trump administration's Middle East policy.

President Donald Trump's deputy national security adviser plans to leave the White House early next year.

The White House says Dina Powell's departure is amicable and something it says she planned from the beginning.

The former Goldman Sachs partner joined the new administration as an adviser to Ivanka Trump.

After Powell was promoted to deputy national security adviser, she focused on Middle East policy and planned President Trump's trips to the region. She also helped with Jared Kushner's Middle East peace initiative  — something she's expected to continue with after she leaves.

Powell's exit could be one of many as Trump's first year wraps up. Other potential exits are rumored, including Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, economic adviser Gary Cohn and senior adviser Jared Kushner. The White House has denied those rumors.