PoliticsForeign Policy


Hundreds Of Former Officials Call Trump's Action Profoundly Concerning

Hundreds of former national security and foreign policy officials say President Trump's interactions with Ukraine are deeply concerning.

Hundreds of former national security and foreign policy officials say President Trump's interactions with Ukraine are deeply concerning.

The concerns were expressed in a letter published Friday. It was signed by more than 300 former government employees, including State Department ambassadors, National Security Council staff, military intelligence officers and others. The signatures were compiled by National Security Action, a political organization founded in 2018 that opposes President Trump's isolationism. 

The letter doesn't mention any specific actions, but presumably their "profound national security concern" stems from President Trump's controversial phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. 

They say it looks like President Trump invited Ukraine to interfere in our democratic process — an action they describe as an "unconscionable abuse of power." The letter says the president's actions make the country vulnerable and "sends a message to leaders around the world that America's foreign policy can be dangerously corrupted by catering to a single individual."

The letter expresses support for impeachment proceedings, and says Congress should use "the facts — and nothing but the facts" to determine how to hold President Trump accountable.