

Biden Closer To Democratic Nomination With Wisconsin Primary Win

Wisconsin held its statewide primary on April 7, but results were delayed a week because of a court ruling.

Joe Biden notched another state win in the the last competitive race of the Democratic primary. 

Wisconsin held its statewide primary on April 7, but results were delayed because of a court ruling. 

On Monday evening, The Associated Press projected Biden will win the state's primary. But even before these votes were counted, Biden was already the presumptive Democratic nominee; Sen. Bernie Sanders dropped out of the race the day after Wisconsin voters went to the polls.

Democrats were successful in expanding mail-in voting for the presidential primary, and nearly 1.1 million Wisconsin residents voted by absentee ballot. But Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers' last-minute attempt to delay in-person voting failed.

Over the weekend, Biden also picked up a win in Alaska's primary, which was conducted completely by mail. The former vice president won 11 delegates in that race. 

Biden will walk away with a majority of Wisconsin's 84 pledged delegates. He still needs over 700 more to reach 1,991 — the magic number needed to officially clinch the nomination.