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Dustin Hoffman Hit With More Sexual Assault Allegations

He's been accused of sexual misconduct by at least six women, some of whom were teenagers at the time.

Sexual assault allegations are piling up against actor Dustin Hoffman.

Two women told Variety Hoffman sexually assaulted them in the '80s while working on the film "Ishtar." A third said he exposed himself to her when she was 16 years old.

The allegations are preceded by three more earlier this year.

In November, Anna Graham Hunter wrote a piece for The Hollywood Reporter alleging Hoffman sexually harassed her when she was 17. That same month, another woman told Variety Hoffman had sexually harassed her.

And just last week, Hoffman's "Death of a Salesman" co-star Kathryn Rossetter accused the actor of sexual assault and harassment. She called her experience with Hoffman "horrific, demoralizing and abusive."