

House Democrats' Request For Trump-Putin Document Access Gets Rejected

Democrats on the House Foreign Affairs Committee were seeking access to information related to the closed-door meeting between the two leaders.

The private meeting between President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in July will remain private.

Republicans in the House Foreign Affairs Committee denied a request from Democratic lawmakers to attempt access to details about the talks between the two world leaders.

Committee Chairman Rep. Ed Royce said while he disagreed with Trump's conduct at July's summit, demanding the information "would set a dangerous and harmful precedent with respect to presidential communications." 

The White House hasn't revealed what exactly was discussed in the closed-door meeting. Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats told media outlets shortly after the summit even he didn't know the full details of what happened. 

House Democrats on the Intelligence Committee made a motion to subpoena the interpreter in the room with Trump and Putin, but that was also blocked by GOP panel members

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN