

Russia Investigators Are Reportedly Eyeing Jill Stein

A former campaign employee was reportedly told by Stein to comply with a federal document search.

Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein is reportedly on Russia investigators' radar.

Dennis Trainor Jr., a former campaign employee, told BuzzFeed he was asked by Stein to comply with a document search by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

He tweeted Monday, "Jill Stein ... has/had nothing to do with any Russian interference or (alleged) collusion w. @realDonaldTrump campaign."

Investigators' focus on Stein is a change of pace from the usual suspects, though her name has come up at least once before in Senate Judiciary Committee documents pertaining to the investigation.

In 2015, Stein attended a dinner that also had former national security adviser Michael Flynn and Russian President Vladimir Putin on the guest list. According to Stein, she didn't have much interaction with them.