

Trump Jr. Tells Congress About His Russian Lawyer Meeting

President Trump's son testified before Congress about a meeting he had with a Russian lawyer.

President Trump's son Donald Trump Jr. was back on Capitol Hill this week to talk about his much-discussed Trump Tower meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised him damaging political info during the 2016 campaign.

The meeting was closed to the public, but some news outlets obtained a copy of Trump Jr.'s opening remarks. He basically said that he went looking for dirt on then-candidate Hillary Clinton just to make sure she was up for the job.

Trump Jr.'s statement says he went to the meeting to gauge "the extent they had information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate." He says he would have taken any info to his lawyers first before acting on it.

Trump Jr. also repeated his claim before Congress that the meeting didn't actually reveal any damaging information about Clinton. It mostly focused on the Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned Russian officials.

The hearing also reportedly didn't reveal anything about the misleading initial statement about the meeting sent out by the White House. That statement has reportedly become a point of interest in special counsel Robert Mueller's probe of Russian election interference.