

This Trump Tweet Is Raising Questions About Obstruction Of Justice

President Trump said he had to fire Mike Flynn because Flynn lied to the vice president and the FBI. But that doesn't match with previous statements.

On Saturday, President Donald Trump spoke publicly for the first time about former national security adviser Mike Flynn pleading guilty to lying to the FBI.

After commenting to reporters that he's not worried about what Flynn might say, Trump tweeted, "I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the Vice President and the FBI." He also said it's "a shame" because Flynn had "nothing to hide" about his actions.

Flynn offered his resignation in February after admitting he misled Vice President Mike Pence about discussions he had with the then-Russian ambassador to the U.S.

Trump has repeatedly said he fired Flynn. But most of his statements have focused on two things: that Flynn lied to the vice president and that Flynn had shared classified information.

Trump's language on Saturday throws into question whether he knew Flynn lied to the FBI when Flynn resigned. The Washington Post points out that information wasn't public knowledge until days after Flynn's resignation.

Some experts say that if Trump knew Flynn lied to federal agents and then asked former FBI Director James Comey to drop the investigation into Flynn as Comey said Trump did, that could add up to obstruction of justice.

But given signs that Flynn hadn't been forthcoming with information, the Post notes it "wouldn't have been difficult" for the Trump administration to conclude Flynn had misled the FBI.