

This Cannabis CEO Used To Be A High School Biology Teacher

Tim Cullen is CEO and founder of Colorado Harvest Company.

The main guy that we were hanging out with in Colorado was Tim Cullen, the CEO of Colorado Harvest Company, and before he got into the cannabis industry he spent ten years as a high school biology teacher, and so while we were touring his grow facility, we basically got a high school biology lesson in growing cannabis.

SEE MORE: Colorado Cannabis Companies Still Jump Through Financial Hoops

"All plants work under the same principle, which is photosynthesis, so we need light, water and CO2," Cullen said. "We're supplying all the nutrients to these plants from beginning to end and the plants are a lot like people in the sense that infants have a completely different nutritional regime than a child or teenager or an adult."

One part of the building is spring, so the lights actually make it the season spring, and then you step into another room and suddenly it's fall. And that's when they start to reproduce and get their buds.

"We say we get to run the sun and we really do. Each light bulb is more light than all the lights in your house on in one bulb," Cullen said.

He has a really agriculture-based focus on his business.

"This building holds about 4,000 plants in it all in various stages of production," Cullen said. "We could light this whole warehouse up and everything would be done all at once and then we'd have to bring in temporary employees to do trimming and drying and curing and packaging. Having it on a perpetual basis means I have this consistent workforce. And it means there's always new products coming into the store too which consumers like too."