Science and Tech


Google Glass Could Be Better For Businesses

Google introduced Google Glass at Work Monday night. The program focuses on the tech’s use for doctors, firefighters and more.

Google Glass is as controversial as it is unique.

We’ve seen some restaurants ban the tech while some hospitals have embraced it. (Via Ars Technica)

​​Google sees this, too. On Monday night, the company announced a new Glass at Work program aimed at bringing the tech to more businesses — including pro sports teams. The Washington Capitals partnered with APX to create a contextual fan experience where Glass wearers could view real-time stats, instant replay and different camera angles.

Google says, “This is only the beginning of what’s possible for Glass and business.”

And so far, Google is right. Firefighter and Glass developer Patrick Jordan is working on an app for the wearable tech to help fellow firefighters.

“OK, Glass. Show the floor plan.”

A special version of the hardware, created by Wearable Intelligence, is being used by doctors at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. ​

Re/code reports a doctor there claims the tech helped him work faster and save a patient from permanent disability or death.

And The New York Times spoke with Sullivan Solar Power, a company that installs solar panels and uses Glass to help. Its IT director says for construction workers, “to be able to have their hands free is obviously critical, and they can’t bring a laptop up a ladder or see one in the sun.”

From the hockey rink to the operating room, a writer for GigaOM says Glass’ potential business applications are great.

He says, “Although I’m a Glass Explorer and see potential for individuals, I think vertical markets may be more important for Glass.”

First, because the current $1,500 pricetag is harder for a single consumer to stomach. (Via Google)

And secondly, many of Glass’ core features are coming to Android smartwatches via Android Wear. (Via Google)

The Guardian says: “Google’​s gadget is at a crossroads. Will the company’​s face computer be the next iPhone, and become a must-have device, or the next Segway motorised scooter – an over-hyped idea that becomes a laughable novelty?”

Maybe Glass at Work is the third option? If not, we’re at least hoping for more stories like this one. Houston Childrens Memorial Hermann Hospital used Glass to bring sick patients stuck in bed to the zoo.
