PoliticsForeign Policy


President Trump Scraps G20 Talks With Putin Over Ukraine Conflict

Trump said in a tweet the decision was made based on the fact that Russia hadn't yet returned the Ukrainian ships or crew members.
Posted 6:01 PM, Nov 29, 2018

President Donald Trump has scrapped upcoming talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G20 over a maritime conflict between Russia and Ukraine. 

But before we get into Trump's comments, let's recap: As Newsy previously reported, on Sunday, Russia seized three Ukrainian naval vessels and their crews off the coast of the Crimean Peninsula. It further escalated an already tense relationship between the two countries. Ukraine declared martial law in response. 

In a tweet on Thursday, Trump announced he has "decided it would be best for all parties concerned to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in Argentina with President Vladimir Putin," based on the fact that Russia hadn't yet returned the Ukrainian ships or crew members. 

He did emphasize, though, that he wanted to meet with Putin after the situation with Ukraine is resolved.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.