

Trump's Immigration Ban Frozen In Seattle, Upheld In Boston

A Seattle judge halted an executive order banning travel from seven countries. A similar legal challenge was dismissed in Boston the same day.

President Trump's executive order on immigration was both upheld and rejected in federal courts Friday.

A judge in Boston declined to extend a stay on detentions and deportations under the order. But a Seattle judge issued a nationwide stay on the entire order as a broader legal challenge goes to trial.

Trump's order has sparked widespread protests and legal challenges. It temporarily bans most residents from seven Muslim-majority countries, including refugees, from entering the U.S.

It's perfectly legal for Trump to restrict immigration he believes would be detrimental to U.S. interests. What he can't do is discriminate against religious groups.

Trump and his supporters have previously suggested the ban was designed to block Muslims from entering the U.S. But the Boston judge found nothing in the order that explicitly targets any religion.

The Trump administration has explicitly denied that the order was meant to target Muslims.

Since the ruling in Seattle applies nationwide, it effectively overrides the Boston decision until the case is resolved. But the Boston decision might indicate how well actual arguments against the ban will hold up in court.