PoliticsSupreme Court


Supreme Court Dismisses Appeal Against Trump's Temporary Travel Ban

The Supreme Court dismissed an appeal against the Trump administration's so-called travel ban because a different travel order has taken its place.

The Supreme Court dismissed an appeal against the Trump administration's so-called travel ban because a different travel order has taken its place. 

The case argued a temporary ban President Trump signed in March against travelers from several predominately Muslim nations violated the Constitution — such as the First and Fifth Amendments. 

But that executive order has since expired. In September, Trump replaced it with "tailored travel restrictions."  

The Supreme Court said Tuesday, "The appeal no longer presents a 'live case or controversy,'" and it effectively dismissed the challenge. 

The Supreme Court also vacated an earlier appeals court's decision that Trump's temporary travel ban counted as religious discrimination. That means that appeals court ruling can't be used as precedent. 

A second, similar appeal is still pending. But many predict it too will be dismissed by the Supreme Court, since part of the ban in question — a temporary ban on refugees — expires later this month.