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Trump's Campaign Manager Might Be Getting A Job In The White House

Kellyanne Conway tweeted she's already been offered a job in Trump's White House.

Donald Trump's campaign chair, Kellyanne Conway, says she's been offered a job in the president-elect's White House.

She was responding to New York Magazine editor Gabriel Sherman, who tweeted that two sources said she might be reluctant to join the administration.

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Sherman's sources apparently said Conway wants to keep running her polling business in lieu of taking an administration job. Conway is currently the president and CEO of The Polling Company/WomanTrend.

Conway tweeted back, saying Sherman's sources might be eyeing the White House job she'd already been offered.

Conway joined the Trump campaign in August, after her predecessor, Paul Manafort, resigned over his ties to Russian interests in Ukraine. She's been credited for keeping the campaign's message disciplined enough to pull Trump across the finish line.

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With Trump's victory, Conway also becomes the first woman to lead a successful presidential campaign.

Conway's the first Trump insider to confirm she's been offered a White House job. But several other Trump supporters — including Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani — are reportedly angling for top spots in the administration.

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Politico reports Trump wants to announce several proposed Cabinet appointments before he takes office. He's also said to be narrowing down his list of potential Supreme Court nominations. Trump's transition team, led by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, is currently working to round out his administration.