U.S. News


Former Fox News Executive Reportedly Accepted White House Job

ABC News reports that Bill Shine, a former co-president for Fox News, will join President Trump's communications team.
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A former Fox News executive is reportedly set to join the Trump White House. 

ABC News said Wednesday evening Bill Shine, a former co-president at Fox News, has accepted the job of deputy chief of staff for communications.

Earlier Wednesday, multiple media outlets reported Shine was in talks for the role of communications director — a position that's seen a lot of turnover in President Trump's administration. 

The first person President Trump tapped for the job, Jason Miller, took himself out of contention. So Sean Spicer worked double duty as press secretary and director of communications for the start of the administration. Then there was Mike Dubke for about three months, Anthony Scaramucci for only 10 days, and Hope Hicks for about eight months. 

If ABC's sources are right about Shine taking the deputy chief of staff for communications role, it appears the hunt for a communications director is ongoing.