U.S. NewsCrime


Vatican, US Bishops' Conference Hit With Sex Abuse Lawsuit

Six men have filed a lawsuit against the two parties, alleging sex abuse that they suffered as minors was covered up.

There's been another legal blow for the Catholic Church involving allegations of sexual abuse. 

Six American men have filed a class-action lawsuit against both the Vatican and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, claiming they were sexually abused as minors by clergy members. 

The suit, filed Tuesday in a Washington, D.C., federal court, alleges that the church and its bishops protected the alleged abusers and concealed the conduct in question.

According to court documents, the plaintiffs lived in six different U.S. states at the time of the alleged abuse. 

They're seeking financial damages and asking for the clergy members to be terminated. 

Specific details surrounding the abuse cases weren't outlined.  

It comes as the church is already under several state and federal-level probes into its handling of abuse complaints. Pope Francis announced in September that he would hold a summit with other top church officials next year to discuss preventing abuse.