U.S. News


Tweets Praise Reporter For Streaming 'Off-Camera' White House Briefing

Ksenija Pavlovic used the Periscope app to stream live audio from Wednesday's briefing with deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
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For the first time, a White House reporter decided to ignore the administration's briefing guidelines.

And she's being hailed for it on social media.

Ksenija Pavlovic used the Periscope app to stream live audio from Wednesday's briefing with deputy press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

As The Washington Post notes, Pavlovic isn't as well-known as some of her fellow White House reporters. So her audio feed went unnoticed for a while.

But once word of Pavlovic's rule-breaking got out, Twitter users hailed her as a patriot and thanked her for standing up for the First Amendment. Though some criticized her for breaking the rules and said the White House should revoke her press pass.

The White House's last on-camera press briefing took place June 29.

Since then, there have been several briefings where live video and audio recordings were not permitted.

It's unclear if Pavlovic will face any repercussions from the White House.