U.S. News


Stormy Daniels Sues President Trump's Personal Lawyer For Defamation

Stephanie Clifford — better known by her stage name, Stormy Daniels — filed a lawsuit Monday against the president's lawyer Michael Cohen.
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Adult film star Stephanie Clifford is suing President Donald Trump's personal attorney.

Clifford — who's better known by her stage name, Stormy Daniels — filed a lawsuit Monday against Michael Cohen for defamation.

Monday's filing is actually an amendment to Clifford's existing lawsuit against Trump, which alleges that an agreement to prevent Clifford from talking about their alleged affair is invalid because the president never signed it.

Clifford claims she had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006 and that she signed a nondisclosure agreement and received a $130,000 payment before the 2016 presidential election.

Cohen has denied Clifford's claims about the alleged affair but admitted to making the payment. And Clifford's latest filing states Cohen's denial is a defamatory statement.

The complaint reads, "It was reasonably understood Mr. Cohen meant to convey that Ms. Clifford is a liar."

The lawsuit came shortly after Clifford's interview with "60 Minutes," where she discussed the alleged affair.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.