World NewsAsia


North Korea Warns Of Another Nuclear Test

Regime leader Kim Jong-un said President Donald Trump would "pay dearly" for saying the U.S. would "totally destroy" North Korea if needed.

North Korea says it might test a nuclear bomb in the Pacific Ocean. The warning comes after President Donald Trump's speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

"The United States has great strength and patience, but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea," Trump said.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un responded to Trump's comments Thursday, calling the U.S. commander in chief's behavior "deranged."

Kim said Trump would "pay dearly" for his warning of destruction.

The U.S. and North Korea have gone back and forth in recent weeks. The North conducted a nuclear test in early September that was condemned worldwide.

Now, despite sanctions from the United Nations and the U.S., the regime is threatening another one.

There's no telling exactly where North Korea would conduct this test or when. Previous U.S. underwater nuclear tests suggest the energy could cause major waves and harm ships in the area.

CNN reports a blast also could devastate the environment and cause potential health problems for people near the site.

In a tweet Friday, Trump called Kim a "madman who ... will be tested like never before."