

Trump Cancels Visit To London, Blames Obama For 'Bad' Embassy Deal

Trump criticized the "Obama administration" sale of the old U.S. Embassy in London as a "bad deal" in a tweet late Thursday.

President Donald Trump won't be making a trip across the pond to open the new U.S. Embassy in London. 

In a tweet late Thursday, Trump said he canceled the upcoming trip and criticized the "Obama administration" sale of the old embassy as a "bad deal."

But here's the thing — the news about the U.S. Embassy moving in London was first announced in October 2008, when George W. Bush was president.

The decision to build a new embassy in a different location was made — at least in part — because the old embassy building was too small and wasn't considered secure enough.

The sale of the old embassy and construction on the new one did take place during Obama's tenure. But the U.S. completely funded the new $1 billion embassy by selling the old building along with some other U.S. properties in London.

Trump has yet to visit the U.K. as president. Britain's Prime Minister Theresa May was the first foreign leader to meet with Trump at the White House after he was sworn into office. 

At the time, she extended Trump an invitation for a state visit to the U.K. On Friday, a spokesperson for May told the BBC an official date for that visit has still not been confirmed.