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Eric Trump Says Ivanka Likely Weighed In On Syria Action

The day before President Trump ordered retaliatory missile launches, his daughter said she was "outraged" by the "atrocious" chemical attack.

Ivanka Trump likely influenced her father's decision to strike Syria last week, according to her brother.

During an interview in Scotland, Eric Trump told The Telegraph: "Ivanka is a mother of three kids and she has influence. I'm sure she said, 'Listen, this is horrible stuff.' My father will act in times like that." 

"There's no question that Ivanka and others weighed into him as — it was asked earlier, Hallie asked it — that when he himself saw images, he was very, very moved," White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Tuesday

Last Thursday, President Trump ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles targeting a Syrian air base. The strikes came two days after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime carried out a chemical attack on civilians.  

Spicer said Tuesday he hadn't spoken with Ivanka Trump as to whether she supported taking action. 

But he continued, "I don't think Ivanka stands any different than anyone else when it comes to the response that we got."

The day after the chemical attack, Ivanka Trump said she was "heartbroken" and "outraged." 

She later tweeted that she was "proud" of her father "for refusing to accept these horrendous crimes against humanity."

Eric Trump also said his father's decision to retaliate against the Russian-backed Assad regime shows there's "no Russia tie" between the White House and the Kremlin.