

Democrats Aren't Giving Up House Intel Probe On Russian Meddling

Rep. Adam Schiff says Democrats will continue to pursue the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Democrats on the House intelligence committee are not going to stop investigating Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. 

That's according to Rep. Adam Schiff, who told CNN's "New Day" on Thursday why he feels it's necessary for the committee to continue its probe.

"We can't simply rely on Bob Mueller. ... It's not his job to tell the country what happened. And outside of an indictment, he may not be able to speak. That's what Congress is supposed to do. So there's no substitute for Congress doing its job," Schiff said.

On Monday, Republicans on the committee announced they were finished with their investigation and said they'd found no evidence the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians. 

Schiff slammed the decision, saying, "The Majority has placed the interests of protecting the President over protecting the country, and history will judge its actions harshly."

He later released a 21-page reportoutlining witnesses the committee had yet to interview, entities it hadn't requested documents from and "investigative threads" Democrats say they were prevented from looking into.