

Things Got Heated Between Chris Christie And A Sports Radio Caller

Christie was guest hosting on WFAN when a caller grilled him about his recent trip to a state beach that was closed to the public.

"You know, Mike, I love getting calls from communists in Montclair," Christie said.

That's New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie responding to a caller on WFAN's sports talk show Monday afternoon.

Christie was filling in for the show's regular host when "Mike from Montclair" called in to grill the governor about his recent trip to a state beach that was closed to the public during a state government shutdown.

Mike called Christie a "fat ass." But the governor didn't hold back.

"You're swearing on the air, Mike. You're a bum," Christie said.

According to a recent poll, Christie's approval rating is at just 15 percent — an all-time low for him.

But if his recent comments are any sign, Christie isn't letting the criticism get to him.

"I think my poll numbers show I don't care about political optics," Christie said during a news conference.